Christmas Bells

How to draw Christmas Bells

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Draw Christmas Bells in easy steps which looks more attractive. Bells are rung during Christmas eve to announce the arrival of the season and to proclaim the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Bells are the common representative of joy and freedom. It is also said that, the shape of the bell is closely related to the vault of HEAVEN.

So we can be proud and joyful to learn how to draw Christmas bells in a creative way.

Step 1: Take 2 sheets of paper. One for the border and other for drawing the bell

Step 2: In first make cross lines with Black as shown in the figure.

Step 3: Color first shell with red and the next with blue, repeat the same for the whole sheet and keep the sheet aside

Step :4 In the second sheet draw the bell with a ribbon at the top as shown in the figure and color like the same

Step 5: Color the bell as shown in the figure

Step 6: Cut only the bell from the sheet.

Step 7: Paste the bell in the sheet which we have drawn the border with fevicol or any other glue

Step 8: Make tiny white dots over the border to make the look more elegant.

This painting is done and taught by Acharya Creatives by Aparna. This can be watched as video in her channel link

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