Out Of Stock
6% Off

Original price was: ₹160.00.Current price is: ₹150.00.

Ingredients :

Beleric – தான்றிக்காய்

Ink Nut – கடுக்காய்

Gooseberry Vatral – நெல்லிக்காய் வற்றல்

Cubeb Pepper – வால் மிளகு

Clove – கிராம்பு

Cardamom – ஏலக்காய்

Himalayan Pink Salt – இந்துப்பு

Banyan Bark – ஆலம்பட்டை

Neem Bark- வேப்பம்பட்டை

Out of stock

Brand: SKU: EH1042 Categories: ,


Smile With Confidence
Prepared using notes taken from old medical manuscripts

Usage of our Natural tooth powder

  1. Your teeth will remain intact for the rest of your life
  2. Teeth will be shiny
  3. You can feel the strengthening of the base of the teeth right after you brush your teeth
  4. Strengthens loose teeth
  5. Removes stains from teeth and makes teeth shine
  6. No bad breath
  7. Reduces tooth wear
  8. Relieves toothache
  9. Helps to produce a lot of saliva
  10. It is a boon for diabetic patients

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg
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