Will Hand Sanitizers can wreak havoc for your jewelleries?
During this global outbreak of COVID-19, the top priority is our safety, for which all of us are requested to use hand sanitizers which can kill the virus and prevent its spread.
So, we all of us should practise using hand sanitizers and wash our hands in regular intervals which will prevent us being a prey to Covid-19.
How jewelries may get affected?
But in the same time, we also should consider the effect of these alcohol based hand sanitizers on the jewels we wear in our hand. It may ruin the look of the rings or other jewels which we wear in our hand. If you are user of pearl rings then it is best to remove as it may add a yellow layer around the pearl if alcoholic sanitizers are used.
What to do?
It is better not to wear these jewels during this pandemic or pay attention in maintaining these jewels.
We can practice taking off the jewellery when using hand sanitizer to rub and wash our hands, that will refrain it from getting ruined.
As you take off the jewel, kindly be mindful about where you place it. Try to place it over a cloth or in your pockets to avoid getting it misplaced.
One can also try wearing gloves when ging out or touching an outside material, which will be the best way to prevent you from corona and also keep your jewels away from getting affected.
Stay Healthy
We have to keep in mind the current situation of corona is only temporary and we have to come out of this situation without any health issues. But wearing our jewelleries can be done once this temporary situation go off. So kindly pay attention to your health and also the jewels. Follow the instructions given by the local government for your safety and stay healthy